Reduce stubborn chin fat with Kybella® injections

At Rx MD Solutions of Plano, TX, Shanon Crisp and her providers work with patients interested in improving their appearance. When it comes to excess fat underneath the chin, often dubbed a “double chin,” patients are excited to learn that there is a non-surgical solution available to them. Thanks to continued advances in the field of aesthetics, patients can now target this unwanted fat on the chin and neck with a simple injection. This injection, known as Kybella®, can reduce the fat cells in the treated area over time, ensuring a noticeable and gradual change in the appearance of submental fullness. Our team is pleased to offer this solution for those looking for a less invasive way of addressing the unwanted fat that tends to accumulate in this area for both men and women, regardless of weight.

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a newer, non-surgical injectable treatment which effectively and permanently damages the unique fat cells underneath your chin to improve your profile. It is FDA-approved and is safe and effective in clinical trials. It allows patients to address unwanted fat cells without plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction.

How do Kybella® injections treat a double chin?

The primary, active ingredient found in Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, which is a molecule naturally present in the body that breaks down certain types of fat. When the synthetic formula is injected into the unwanted fat beneath your chin, Kybella® destroys fat cells. Once these cells are damaged, the cells cannot effectively store or even accumulate any more fat.

Your body will gradually and permanently eliminate the treated fat cells over the weeks and months following your injections. As the fat cells are eliminated, you will see visible results in the appearance of your double chin. Most patients need 2-4 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart to see optimal results.

Schedule a consultation visit with the team at Rx MD Solutions

If you are interested in learning more about Kybella® or think this treatment might be right for you, please get in touch with the office to schedule a consultation with Shanon Crisp and her team of professionals in Plano, TX. She is available to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve your aesthetic goals without plastic surgery and instead with this revolutionary treatment for submental fullness.

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